Sunday 17 May 2015

100 Happy Days Challenge - Day 57 (May 16)

Chibi Maruko-chan, Maruko-chan, Chibi Maruko, Maruko, 100 Happy Days Challenge, Another Random Thought of a Procrastinator, Random Thought, Another Random Thought, Random Thoughts, Another Random Thoughts, Procrastinator

Yesterday, (May 16), I learned to sing Odoru Ponpokorin - a Japanese song from an anime Chibi Maruko-chan of the 1990s.  I also memorized the dance moves from the 2014 Version of this song by E-Girls.

What is Chibi Maruko-chan about? 

From wikipedia 

"Chibi Maruko-chan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Momoko Sakura. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura in the times of when she was a little girl where everyone call her Maruko and her family in suburban Japan in the year 1974. The series is set in the former city of Shimizu, now part of Shizuoka City, birthplace of its author."

I have never seen this manga series or anime before and I have no intention to watch it.  Why I learned the song and the dance moves?  One of my friends translated the lyrics and started to sing.  This song is very catchy and the dance moves are very easy to do.  So after I watched its YouTube video several times, I started singing and dancing.

This is part of the lyrics of Odoru Ponpokorin.
*The song lyrics and translation are property of their creators / owners.

Chibi Maruko-chan, Maruko-chan, Chibi Maruko, Odoru Ponpokorin, Odoru Pompokolin, Dancing Ponpokorin, lyrics, Japanese lyrics, Romanization, romaji, English translation, 100 Happy Days Challenge, Another Random Thought of a Procrastinator, Random Thought, Another Random Thought, Random Thoughts, Another Random Thoughts, Procrastinator

Singing and dancing while watching video of Odoru Ponpokorin, well, time well wasted, my friends.

My other Happy Moments → 100 Happy Days Challenge 

Why do I want to do 100 Happy Days Challenge?  This is the reason → The International Day of Happiness - 100 Happy Days Challenge

Next blog post:
100 Happy Days Challenge - Day 58 

Previous blog post:
Making ice cream cakes - how-to videos from Loblaws

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